
Friday, May 27, 2011


In light of a blog I recently read about things that are awesome, I have decided to compile a little list of my own.

1. I realized that my scream frightens small creatures. The other day, I saw a spider and screamed bloody murder until my husband ran in to be my hero. Almost as soon as I started screaming, the spider froze. I thought maybe I had killed it (like my grandmother, who did kill a mouse with her scream), but apparently the deafening noise just paralyzed it momentarily. Awesome.

2. My favorite bathroom stall at work has been out of toilet paper lately, but today I found it well-stocked. Also awesome.

3. I recently discovered Sally Hansen nail polish pens. They are pens that you click like a mechanical pencil and the nail polish comes out in perfect amounts. It's easy and fast, and now I can fix a chip on the go. Definitely awesome.

4. I was at WalMart buying approximately one million diapers for a friend today and 4 cartons milk for myself, and I saw two people I know. Now they probably think I'm pregnant. This is not so awesome.

5. I am almost done with the book I picked up from the library on Tuesday, so I will have time to read it a third time before it's due back. Awesome.

6. I have positively no plans for this evening. Wonderfully awesome.

7. My irises have finally bloomed, much later than everyone else's in our neighborhood, and I think I created a new breed. One of them is purple on the inside and yellow on the outside. Is this even supposed to exist? It is awesome.

8. People keep coming into my office to smell the fake flowers on my desk. Awesome.

9. One of my students today informed me that owls do not go #2. They spit unusable food particles out of their mouths instead. Awesome.

10. I randomly saw an old friend today. Awesome.

Please feel free to add to my list of awesomeness.

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